Sunday, May 25, 2008

Enumerate Role Assignments to retrieve Groups and Users Permissions in a Windows Sharepoint Services 3.0 or MOSS Site


The following .aspx page with C# in line code, enumerates all the roles assignments of a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or MOSS site collection and displays in DebugView Window for each web site:
  • The role member and reports if it is a Group or an User.
  • If it is a group, displays the number of users in the Group and the users list.
  • In any case, displays the Permissions list.
Why to use it?

When you want to check the users and the groups present in a Site Collection web sites and their role, it can take time doing it by browsing "People and Group" administration pages for each web site. It would be nice to display all the information in a single report. The following code sample will give you this kind of report, and it will be easier for you to reorder Users and Groups using it.

How to use it?

Copy the following code in an .aspx file.
Paste the file in the LAYOUTS diectory.
Start DebugView.
Browse the page with site administrator permissions from any site using the usual Application Page url (...myWebSite/_layouts/thisPage.aspx).
Check Report in DebugView window.

Code Sample:
<%@ Assembly Name="Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %>
<%@ Assembly Name="Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" %>
<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/_layouts/application.master" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Microsoft.SharePoint" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Diagnostics" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="PlaceHolderMain" runat="server"> 
<asp:Label ID="lblMessage" runat="server" />
    <script runat="server">       
        protected string WriteIsRootWeb(SPWeb aWeb){
            if (aWeb.IsRootWeb)
                return " (This is the Site Collection Root Web)";
                return "";
        public void Page_load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool isAgroup = true;
            SPGroup aGroup=null;
            foreach (SPWeb aWeb in SPContext.Current.Site.AllWebs)
                Debug.WriteLine("Roles Assignments Report on web site " + aWeb.Title + WriteIsRootWeb(aWeb));
                Debug.WriteLine("List of " + aWeb.Title + " Groups");
                foreach (SPGroup Group in aWeb.Groups)
                    Debug.WriteLine(Group.Name + " ID: " + Group.ID);
                foreach (SPRoleAssignment aRole in aWeb.RoleAssignments)
                    isAgroup = true;
                        aGroup = aWeb.Groups.GetByID(aRole.Member.ID);
                        isAgroup = false;
                    if (isAgroup)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Group Id : " + aRole.Member.ID.ToString() + " | " + " Principal Name : " + aRole.Member.Name);
                        Debug.WriteLine("Number of users:" + aWeb.Groups.GetByID(aRole.Member.ID).Users.Count);
                        aGroup = aWeb.Groups.GetByID(aRole.Member.ID);
                        Debug.WriteLine("List of " + aGroup.Name + " users");
                        foreach (SPUser aUser in aGroup.Users)
                            Debug.WriteLine("\t - " + aUser.Name);
                        Debug.WriteLine("User Id : " + aRole.Member.ID.ToString() + " | " + " Principal Name : " + aRole.Member.Name);
                    Debug.WriteLine("\nList of permissions for " + aRole.Member.Name + ":");
                    for (int i = 0; i < aRole.RoleDefinitionBindings.Count; i++)
            lblMessage.Text="Your report has been generated in DebugView";
</asp:Content >

if you want a much more complete report for SharePoint users and groups Permissions, Role Assignments within a SharePoint Site Collection, in HTML fomat generated inside an Application Page, see...

Enumerate Role Assignments to retrieve Groups and Users Permissions - Generating a complete report

if you want to know more about DebugView, see...

Use DebugView in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 programming.

Use DebugView in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and MOSS programming

While programming Windows SharePoint Services or MOSS Sites, tools, debugView allows you to display trace messages at runtime.
How to use it ?
Download dbgview.exe. Simply execute the DebugView program file (dbgview.exe) and DebugView will immediately start capturing debug output.

You have to set to true the "debug" attribute in "configuration" section of the concerned Web Application.

You must select "Capture Win32" and "Capture Events" in Capture Menu

To expose your code traces to DebugView, use this kind of instruction :

System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("myVar1Value : " + Var1.Value);

Why to use it ?
  • After having deployed. You can check traces on a server where there is no Visual Studio set up.
  • You can debug your in line code while using NotePad.
  • You can debug without using Visual Studio console, or spoiling your pages with "Response.Write" instructions.
  • It is very comfortable to have your traces written in an other window than Visual Studio. You have more space to write traces and check them.
  • After having developed your application, you don't need to clear the debug instructions from your code. You compile in Realease mode, and all instructions are ignored, excepted if you check that checkbox in Visual Studio (right click your project in Solution Explorer Window, and select "Properties"):

    Define DEBUG Constant

Go to the TechNet reference page.
You will find the link to download DebugView at the bottom of the page.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Integrate ASP.NET Web Service based AJAX with MOSS 2007 or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0


As Windows SharePoint Services version 3 is built on ASP.NET 2.0, you can use most of ASP .Net Ajax functionalities in Sharepoint. There is two ways to use Asp .Net Ajax in a Solution:
  • by using an Update Pannel
  • by using an ASP .Net Ajax enabled Web Service
I have found nothing on the Web Service based method explaining how to exactly deploy it in a MOSS or Windows SharePoint Services application. So we did it by ourselves, and most of the following was done thanks to the work of François Michael Dain.


Asp .Net Web Service Ajax enabled application, in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

We are now going to build a simple Asp .Net Ajax Enabled Windows SharePoint Services Application based on Web Service method. We will build something simple, as an "Hello World" tutorial.

1 - Configuring the web Application web.config file.

First of all you have to configure your Web Application web.config file in order your SharePoint Application to be compliant with Asp .Net Ajax. There is excellent posts on doing that :

2 - Adding a Web Service to your Web Application.

After having configured your web.config properly, add a web service inside your SharePoint Web Application doing this :
Start Visual Studio and create a Class Library Project.
This is the solution in Visual Studio at the beginning, (We use WSPBuilder Project Template).

Under 12 hive, add "ISAPI" directory, then your Ajax Web Service Directory.

After having added your Web Service, your Solution should look like this :

Here is the code of HelloWorldService.asmx
<%@ WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="HelloWorldService.asmx.cs" Class="WsAjaxEnabledWSSApplication.HelloWorldService" %>

Here is the code of HelloWorldService.asmx.cs

#region using

using System;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Web;

using System.Web.Script.Services;

using System.Web.Services;





namespace WsAjaxEnabledWSSApplication



    /// Summary description for HelloWorldService


    [WebService(Namespace = "")]

    [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]



    public class HelloWorldService : System.Web.Services.WebService



        public string HelloWorld(string userName)


            return "Hello, " + userName;




3 - Building your Solution and adding your Web Service dll to the GAC.

Build your Solution, go to debug directory, copy WsAjaxEnabledWSSApplication.dll and paste it in the GAC (C:\windows\assembly).
If an "Access Denied" Pop Up message occurs, just paste it a second time and you will be succeed in pasting it.
Now you should do a IISReset, but it won't be necessary since we are going to modify the Web Application web.config file and this action will recycle the Web Application Pool.

4 - Adding your Solution dll referrence to the SafeControls section of the Web Application web.config file.

In the Gac (C:\windows\assembly), find your dll reference and right click it to display porperties. you can the copy name, culture, version and Public Key Token on a note pad and then build that line (change to suit your assembly and namespace etc...) :
<SafeControl Assembly="WsAjaxEnabledWSSApplication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9073b0a00e9670f8" 
Namespace="WsAjaxEnabledWSSApplication" TypeName="*" Safe="True" />

Make a back-up copy of your Web Application web.config file.
Open your Web Application web.config file and add the previous line in the SafeControls section
Don't forget to save the web.config file.

5 - Modyfying HelloWorldService.asmx file and deploying the Web Service.

Add this line at the top of your HelloWorldService.asmx file:
<%@ Assembly Name="WsAjaxEnabledWSSApplication, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9073b0a00e9670f8" %>

Then, copy your AjaxWebService directory to ISAPI folder under the 12 hive. Here is a picture of the directory after copying.

6 - Testing your Web Service.

Open IIS mmc, locate your Web Service and right click it to browse it.

You should obtain that results:

If you enter the url of your Web Service followed by /js
You will be asked to save a js file.

Rename the file in AjaxWebService.js. Save the .js file on your server Desktop.

Edit AjaxWebService.js file and check that most of the lines are beginning by your namespace and WebService Name:
The last line should show the complete call to your Web Service method :

7 - Creating a Windows SharePoint Services Applicative Page for consuming your web service

If it's not already done, create a site collection, for example : AjaxEnabledSite.
In your Visual Studio project, creat a new directory under 12 hive:
Add an .aspx page, asume we call it : AjaxHelloWorld.aspx
Your project should now look like this :

Here is the code of AjaxHelloWorld.aspx page :

<%@ Assembly Name="Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c"%>

<%@ Page Language="C#"  MasterPageFile="~/_layouts/application.master"%>


<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderId="PlaceHolderMain" runat="server" >


</asp:Content >

Deploy your AjaxHelloWorld.aspx page with WSP Builder or just copy it in LAYOUTS directory.
Test your page by browsing it:

8 - Adding Ajax Code to your Applicative Page

In Visual Studio, add this code inside the asp:Content tag of AjaxHelloWorld.aspx :

   <script type="text/javascript">

        function sayHello(){

            WsAjaxEnabledWSSApplication.HelloWorldService.HelloWorld(document.getElementById("txt1").value, OnComplete, OnTimeOut, OnError);



        function OnComplete(args){



        function OnTimeOut(args){

            alert("Time Out");


        function OnError(args){






    <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">


                <asp:ServiceReference InlineScript="true" Path="../_vti_bin/AjaxWebService/HelloWorldService.asmx" />




    <input type="text" id="txt1"/>

    <br />

    <input type="button" value="Say Hello" onclick="JavaScript:sayHello();" />

    <br />

    <input type="text" id="txt2"/>

Deploy your page with WSP Builder or just copy it in LAYOUTS directory.

9 - Consuming your Ajax Web Service

You can now test your Ajax Web Service Based Applicative Page :

You have noticed that we didn't need any single line of server side code in our AjaxHelloWorld.aspx page.
Warnings :

This was a first step to roughly understand how to build and deploy an Web Service based AJAX web site in WSS or MOSS. The drawback of the present example is that you will be embarassed if you have several web sites that have to call the web service, since it will know as Context only one site : the site collection top level site. If you want to create and deploy several AJAX enabled web sites in WSS or MOSS see:
Create multiple Ajax enabled web sites in Windows SharePoint Services or MOSS 2007

Check User Permissions in Windows SharePoint Services or MOSS 2007

Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 implements new types in its object model to support the new security model. Old model is obsolete but keep beeing usable. In Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or MOSS 2007 sites, you have sometimes to check user, Permissions, Rights, Roles, when loading a page, doing an action, and decide what to do depending on these Permissions. all these Classes are obosolete :
  • SPPermission
  • SPRole
  • SPRights
There is however several Methods working around these tasks, for example :
  • SPSite.CheckPermissions
  • SPSite.DoesUserHavePermissions
  • SPWeb.CheckPermissions
  • SPWeb.DoesUserHavePermissions
  • SPList.CheckPermissions
  • SPList.DoesUserHavePermissions
  • SPListItem.CheckPermissions
  • SPListItem.DoesUserHavePermissions
  • ...
Here is a sample of C# code to check user specific Permission to a web site (SPWeb). For instance, we check if user can edit list items.
Code Sample :

        SPWeb myWeb = SPContext.Current.Site.OpenWeb();


        if (myWeb.DoesUserHavePermissions("DomainName\\user1", SPBasePermissions.EditListItems))


            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("user1 can edit lisItems");




            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("user1 cannot edit lisItems");


if you are puzzled by "System.Diagnostics.Debug.." and want to know more about DebugView, see...
Use DebugView in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 programming.

Retrieve Asp .net Form Based Authentication Data Base Connection String Name of a MOSS or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Web Application

This post show how to retrieve the Asp .Net Form Based Authentication DataBase Connection String Name of a MOSS or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Web Application by server side C# programming.
This is the following of the previous post : How to retrieve the Membership provider name . Knowing the name of the membership provider you can retrieve the Asp .Net Form Based Authentication DataBase Connection String Name in the web.config file of your web application doing this :
Code Sample:

        string connexionStringName = string.Empty;

        //we retrieve the connection string used for the form authentication based membershipprovider

        System.Web.Configuration.MembershipSection mysection = (System.Web.Configuration.MembershipSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection(@"system.web/membership");


        for (int j = 0; j < mysection.Providers.Count; j++)


            if (mysection.Providers[j].Name == memberShipProviderName)


                connexionStringName = mysection.Providers[j].ElementInformation.Properties["connectionStringName"].Value.ToString();



Retrieve the Membership provider name of a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or MOSS Extranet Web Application

Introduction :
This post show how to retrieve the Membership provider name of a MOSS or Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Web Application by server side C# programming. For example , knowing the Membership provider name you can retrieve in your Web Application web.config the connection string name of the data base used for Form Based Authentication Mode.Then you can make requests to this database.
The following code sample enumerate all Web Application zones. It retrieves the Form Based Authentication zone.Then it retrieves the name of the Membership provider.
code sample:
        Using Microsoft.SharePoint;
        Using Microsoft.Sharepoint.Administration;

        string memberShipProviderName = string.Empty;

        SPWeb myWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;


        System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<SPUrlZone, SPIisSettings> myDictionnary = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<SPUrlZone, SPIisSettings>();


        myDictionnary = myWeb.Site.WebApplication.IisSettings;


        foreach (Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPUrlZone aZone in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPUrlZone)))



            if (myDictionnary.ContainsKey(aZone))


                if (myDictionnary[aZone].AuthenticationMode == System.Web.Configuration.AuthenticationMode.Forms)


                    memberShipProviderName = myDictionnary[aZone].MembershipProvider.ToString();


